Work for Spurtech


Spurtech employs full-time, part-time, and contract professionals in the areas of Business Process Reengineering, Requirements Management, Risk Management, Software Development and Implementation, Database Administration, and Web Development. In all the projects that Spurtech has undertaken, our people clearly have been the key. Their superior intelligence, extra-hard work, and dedication has resulted in the long term retention of our staff by our clients and made Spurtech a flourishing place.

So ask this question to yourself: Do you have the kind of talent that makes clients proud of having you as part of their business?

We look for such talented people who take pride in their work. If you think you are one of them and have qualifications and a zeal to standout and enhance your career, then please submit your resume online using the form or through E-mail at Resumes can be sent in ASCII, MS Word or WordPerfect formats.

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